What exactly is a mind map? How Can It Be Effectively Used for Exam Preparation?
What exactly is a mind map? How Can It Be Effectively Used for Exam Preparation?
Do you spend most of your time worrying about your ability to remember things? You are simply transcribing whether you take notes on paper in your handwriting or prefer typing them into your computer. You don't think about what you read or hear; you don't put it together in the way your brain needs to remember it. You must learn the information to store and retrieve it as needed. When you write or type quickly, you are not paying attention to the topic because writing or typing quickly consumes most of your concentration.
Furthermore, when someone is speaking, you cannot write as quickly or simultaneously. Mind maps come in handy in this situation. So, what exactly is a mind map? How Can It Be Effectively Used for Exam Preparation?
What exactly is mind mapping?
Mind mapping is a method for taking and making notes and assisting your brain to remember better because you work in a way that helps your brain rather than getting in its path. It would help if you used mind maps when first learning, but you can also use them later. A blank sheet of paper and a pen is required.
The idea is that you are doing something visual while also using your kinesthetic senses. You are considering what you are doing as you go.
For a long time, humans have used diagrams as information representations.
How do you make a mind map?
A mind map begins in the center and expands radially. You write the topic of your mind map in the center. It could be the name of someone you're listening to, such as your teacher, or the title of a book. It could be a question that you try to think of. Then you continue in free form, writing what is essential to you. Best JEE coachings in Jaipur encourage students to practice this thoroughly.
Each person's mind map is unique, even based on the same topic or lecture. What you want to remember will differ from what someone else wants to remember.
In a mind map, you don't write whole sentences or paragraphs; instead, you write a few phrases you can build on in your head. Do we keep paragraphs in our heads? No! We save images, key ideas, and links between what we're learning and already know.
A mind map is straightforward. Only you understand or comprehend your mind maps because you are familiar with the chain of thought they elicit.
How do I make a study mind map?
Take a piece of paper and turn it horizontally. The reason for keeping it horizontal is that most words face the way we usually read when we read.
An unruled paper should be used. But don't worry if you can't find a paper without lines. Place it horizontally, and don't worry about remembering the lines.
In the middle, write down the topic of your studies or chapter.
Then, write down phrases that relate to it radially as you go. Whatever you write is entirely free form. There are no rules to abide by. When you revisit the mind maps during your reviewing sessions, it should trigger a thought process in your brain that allows you to review the entire topic quickly.
Writing the various parts of the mind map with different colored inks would be beneficial. It will make your mind map more accessible, visually appealing, and easier to read in the future.
If you have completed a mind map for a topic and happen to attend another lecture or read it from another source, you can return to your mind map and add the newly learned points. FIITJEE, one of the best coaching for JEE in Jaipur and other cities, agrees that a mind map helps students with adequate preparation.
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